
The Coalition of Americans for Political Equality Political Action Committee (CAPE PAC) is a non-profit political organization. We are dedicated to restoring Conservative values in the politicians elected to represent all citizens of the United States of America. Visit

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Supporting Our Military's Early Voting Rights

On July 17, 2012, Obama for America (his campaign) and the DNC (Democratic National Committee) filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of State and Attorney General of Ohio stating that the current Ohio law that allows an extra three days for military voters and their families to get their ballots in on Election Day.

As the wife of a Veteran, this lawsuit makes me angry.
As a Conservative, this lawsuit makes me angry.
As an American Citizen, this lawsuit makes me angry.

Our soldiers are the reason we’re able to sleep well at night. As soon as we forget that and fail to give them the respect they deserve, we fail.

I see nothing wrong with this law; in fact, I think other states should follow Ohio and implement the same law. Our military has earned their right to vote. They’ve worked, served, and sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears for this. To refuse the military the right to vote (or refuse giving them a few extra days) is abhorrent. The Obama campaign and the DNC states that there is no good reason to give flexibility to military voters.
Really? No good reason? You’ve got to be kidding me.

I would think the Commander in Chief would have a little bit more respect for the military to pull a political stunt such as this. Is it because there are rumors that a Junior Senator from Ohio might be appointed Romney’s VP and they’re scared? Or how about the “insider” to Drudge claiming that Obama believes that General David Petraeus might be the Romney pick? Either way, fear of a VP pick shouldn’t cause Obama and the DNC to file such a despicable law suit.

I’m hoping the Federal Court throws this out. It’s not a way to honor those who serve. It’s a slap in the face to the military. Then again, it does show us how much respect (or lack thereof) that Obama seems to have for those who serve. What I can be sure of, it won’t win him any votes come November.

By Sarah Bowman
Director of Communications

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