
The Coalition of Americans for Political Equality Political Action Committee (CAPE PAC) is a non-profit political organization. We are dedicated to restoring Conservative values in the politicians elected to represent all citizens of the United States of America. Visit

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Can President Obama be defeated?

With so much against him, why does the media seem to think defeating Barack Obama will be difficult? The truth is that defeating a incumbent in the Presidential office is rare. Only three times since Herbert Hoover lost to Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 has a Presidential incumbent been defeated while running for re-election. Gerald Ford lost in 1976, Jimmy Carter lost in 1980 and George H.W. Bush was defeated in 1992.

What the GOP needs this election cycle is another Ronald Reagan. Barack Obama has been called “Carter 2.0” so why can't our “Reagan 2.0” unseat him?

We must find a candidate who can “Win one for the Gipper.” A candidate who can speak to the masses. A candidate who everyone can relate to. With a field that is currently highly saturated with (potential) candidates, is there one in the group who can compare to Good Ole Ronnie?

The GOP needs to focus on all of the Commander in Chief's mistakes, all while keeping it “positive”. Let the People know what you plan to do to fix the errors...but don't use the same “Blame Bush” tactic that the Democrats used in 2008. That came back to bite them in 2010.

 The GOP also needs to focus on their GOTV (Get out the vote, Get on TV) program. Grassroots efforts are what pushed Barack Obama's campaign over the top. The GOP needs to focus on this by energizing their base, including people from ALL backgrounds, races, family demographics etc. Embrace the Country Club Republicans as well as the Sam's Club Republicans.

Of course the media is going to say that defeating Barack Obama is difficult. They (the liberal media) want Obama to win. They're terrified after the 2010 shift and results from the election and they're scared. So of course they're going to say it can't be done. But it CAN be done. It HAS been done. It's simple psychology. If someone tells you that “you can't do it” enough times, you begin to believe it.

Unemployment rates are up. Confidence in the Government is down. The People (remember Democrats, the ones who vote you to represent them) are fed up. Carter had Iran, Barack has Libya/Egypt...well, most of the middle east. Hopefully it doesn't come to a hostage situation.

I agree with Trump. We've (once again) become a laughingstock. And it's a shame. Now, I'm not saying I endorse Trump (I honestly haven't decided who I'm supporting yet) but he makes good points. He's a successful businessman who knows how to handle money, people and property. He doesn't treat cash like it's Monopoly money (like our current Administration does). He has said he'd take on OPEC...some one needs to.

I'm interested in many of the potential Candidates who are testing the waters for the 2012 Presidential race. I'm excited to see what they all have to say and the ideas they have to present to the People. This is an exciting time for Americans. We have the chance to set things right. We have the chance for REAL hope and change. Not just lip service.

Barack Obama CAN be defeated. Don't let the media tell you otherwise. 

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