
The Coalition of Americans for Political Equality Political Action Committee (CAPE PAC) is a non-profit political organization. We are dedicated to restoring Conservative values in the politicians elected to represent all citizens of the United States of America. Visit

Monday, July 30, 2012

Governor Jindal Visits Iowa

On Thursday, July 26, Iowans were informed of a speech being held by Governor Bobby Jindal at the Kum and Go Headquarters in West Des Moines, Iowa. Never one to miss an opportunity to meet with my political friends and hear from a leader, I jumped at the chance.

I arrived early to make sure I could get a seat (as I'm 9 months pregnant), had a chance to visit with some folks I haven't seen in a while, and, of course, made a few new friends while waiting for the program to begin. The Iowa GOP Co-Chair Bill Schickel introduced Governor Jindal and shortly thereafter, he took the stage.

Governor Jindal joked how it was cooler in Baton Rouge, Louisana than it was here in Iowa (we've been dealing with 100+ temperatures for a few weeks now). He discussed how important it was for everyone to come together to elect Romney as President.
The biggest laugh from the crowd came after Governor Jindal said, "A couple of things about President Obama. One, he's the most liberal President we've had since Jimmy Carter and two, he's the most incompetent President we've had since Carter--no offense to Carter."

Governor Jindal discussed that we need to make sure our Nation is handed to our children better than when we received it. He said his daughter came home from school and said, "Dad, can you make sure no one tells Obama what comes after trillion?" Governor Jindal's daughter is only 10.

It was a short but rousing speech that really energized the base here in Iowa. After the event, the crowd filtered out and I noticed the Romney bus in the parking lot with a line starting to form. As I got closer, I noticed that Governor Jindal was talking to people and taking pictures. I waited in line and when it was my turn, I introduced myself and that I was the Communications Director for CAPE PAC. He thanked me for my work and asked me when I was due. I replied, "Oh, any day now." Governor Jindal asked, "Is this your first," to which I replied, "No, my fourth. Boy number four. So I understand what you mean when you talk about leaving the world better for our children. It's why I do what I do." Governor Jindal nodded, smiled and said, "Wow. Four boys. Bless you." At that point, we posed for pictures, he thanked me for attending the speech and for working to get Romney elected.

I was impressed that Governor Jindal, a rather busy man, would take time out to talk to everyone waiting. He gave every person his full attention, answering questions and inquiring about their profession, whether is was a CEO or a farmer.

Could he be Mitt Romney's VP pick? Possibly. He seemed rather Vice-Presidential. Only the Romney camp really knows who they'll be picking. But I do know that Governor Jindal fired up the crowd!

By Sarah Bowman
Director of Communications

Friday, July 27, 2012


CAPE PAC presents the eigth episode of the new CAPE PAC series "Fact Vs Fiction". This episode focuses on the facts about Speaker John Boehner of Ohio. #VoteBoehner

Thursday, July 26, 2012


CAPE PAC presents the seventh episode of the new CAPE PAC series "Fact Vs Fiction". This episode focuses on the facts about Denny Rehberg of Montana. #VoteRehberg

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I’m No Julia
By Sarah Bowman

We’ve all heard about Barack Obama’s campaign and their “Life of Julia” creation; but have you really looked at it? I did. It’s insulting to all women. Thanks but no thanks, Barack. I’m no Julia.
On their website, they state it explains how Barack Obama’s policies will help Julia through her life. Really? I don’t think Obama (or his administration) are giving women enough credit. We’re strong people.
It begins with “Julia” starting her life at Headstart, funded by the Government. No offense to the Government, but I could read before Preschool, because my parents worked with me. And my parents paid for my pre-school just as I’ve paid (out of my own pocket) for my child’s preschool.
It continues with Julia attending public school, and taking the SAT. I can identify with this (although living in Iowa, we take the ACT). Next, Julia goes to college, just as I did. However, I took no grant money, only student loans, which I am now paying off. Sorry, Julia. Here’s where we differ.  It was my choice to attend college, it was my choice to take out loans and I understand it is my responsibility to pay them off. I don’t think taxpayers should be forced to pay for my decisions.
Julia is covered under her parent’s insurance until she’s 26. Really? 26? I was covered under my parent’s insurance until I graduated from College but after that, I was on my own. At one point, worked for an employer who didn’t offer insurance, I had to find it myself and I did. Again, it comes down to personal responsibility. And I was only 22 at the time. Not 26. Sorry, Julia, but it looks like we’re different again.
Julia gets a job and “because of Obama gets equal pay”. Here’s the deal, Julia. You want to earn more, you work harder. But it seems that because her boss is required to cover birth control, Julia can focus on her work. Again, I ask, really? She couldn’t focus on her work if she wasn’t on the pill? This connection makes no sense to me.
When Julia is 31, she decides to have a child. “Under Obama” her prenatal care is covered. I’m 32 and expecting my fourth child. Not once has my prenatal care been denied and all of my pregnancies have been covered. Then again, when I knew I wanted children, I made sure it was covered before getting pregnant. But here comes that “personal responsibility” issue again.
At 37, Julia’s son starts Kindergarten. First of all, where’s Julia’s husband (or partner)? He (or she) is never mentioned in Julia’s life. Julia is either a single mom or the Government is her baby’s daddy. And that’s the way it is starting to sound.
They continue that the Government helps Julia start a business because as Obama just told all of us, “you didn’t build that” and that when she decides, with Social Security she can retire. Come on, Julia. You and I both know that when we’re old enough to retire, Social Security won’t be there. In my mind, I’m paying for my parents. If I want to retire, I know that I need to contribute to a 401k.
It seems that the Obama Administration wants women to believe if it wasn’t for Government, they couldn’t take care of themselves, which we all know couldn’t be further from the truth. Ladies, we shouldn’t tolerate this. We’re strong, independent people. We don’t need the Government holding our hand every step of our lives.
“The life of Julia” is highly insulting to women all over America. This isn’t the America Susan B. Anthony envisioned for women. We need to tell Obama, “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not Julia. I can do this myself,” and vote for Romney.


CAPE PAC presents the sixth episode of the new CAPE PAC series "Fact Vs Fiction". This episode focuses on the facts about Josh Mandel of Ohio. #VoteMandel


CAPE PAC presents the fifth episode of the new CAPE PAC series "Fact Vs Fiction". This episode focuses on the facts about Ted Cruz of Texas. #VoteCruz


CAPE PAC presents the fourth episode of the new CAPE PAC series "Fact Vs Fiction". This episode focuses on the facts about Allen West of Florida. #VoteAllenWest

Thursday, July 12, 2012


The second episode of the new CAPE PAC series "Fact Vs Fiction". This episode focuses on ObamaCare.


The first episode of the new CAPE PAC series "Fact Vs Fiction". This episode focuses on Bain Capital and Solyndra.